30 Mile Meal, Lake-to-River OH/PA |
Business Case |
- Financial Capital
- Human Capital›Labor›Labor - Interns
- locally grown food
The 30 Mile Meal is a local food branding and promotional campaign that aims to provide a shared... |
Accounting and Analysis For Ag |
Business Case |
- Human Capital›Education and Training›Individual leadership›Project Management Agricultural›agricultural business owners
Accounting services and helping individuals with business aspects of growing their agricultural and... |
Buckeye ISA Cooperative Enterprise |
Business Case |
- Human Capital›Production
- Natural Capital›Land›Farmland›urban growing spaces
- Physical Capital›Agricultural Physical Capital›Urban agriculture infrastructure
A participant-owned cooperative enterprise that produces, aggregates and sells fresh and... |
Camp Joseph Badger Meadows Agritourism |
Business Case |
- Financial Capital
- Human Capital›Marketing
- Information Tech and Communications›Websites
- Social Capital›Business / Community marketing
- Specialty Crops›Specialty Crop Products
- locally grown food
Camp Joseph Badger Meadows (JBM) is a 235 acre church camp supported by 50+ churches of Eastminster... |
Common Wealth Kitchen Incubator |
Business Case |
- Financial Capital›Financial Support›Grants
- Human Capital›Labor›Entrepreneurs
- Human Capital›Labor›Labor - Interns›Coop & Incubator interns
- Market Outlet›CSA Consumer Supported Agriculture›for residential customers
- Market Outlet›Institutional Buyers›buyers of processed foods
- locally grown food›Bulk Produce›Fruit and Vegetable Produce
Common Wealth Inc.'s Northeast Ohio Kitchen Incubator is a micro-enterprise linchpin for... |
Countryside Initiative Farms |
Business Case |
- Commodity Crops›Commodity Crop Products›Animal Feed ( Grain and Hay)
- Human Capital›Labor›Labor - Interns
- Physical Capital›Agricultural Physical Capital›Agricultural Equipment›small farm equipment rental and repair
The Countryside Initiative farms are located in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and exist through... |
Glennhaven Farm, LLC |
Business Case |
Great American Lamb Company |
Business Case |
- Commodity Crops›Commodity Crop Products›Animal Feed ( Grain and Hay)›Livestock Feed, Hay, Etc.
- Human Capital›Education and Training›Processing and Value Added Processing
- Human Capital›Labor›Just in Time Labor›Farm and Market\ Business Help
- Livestock›Other Livestock Processing›Carding and Cleaning
Great American Lamb Company produces and distributes premium all natural American lamb, sheepskins... |
Gro-Naked Farm, LLC |
Business Case |
GrowFourth Urban Farm |
Business Case |
Happy Mouth Microfarm, LLC |
Business Case |
Local Food Access through Innovative Food Pricing Class |
Business Case |
- Financial Capital›Financial Support›Grants›Local Food Access to Institutions
- Human Capital›Marketing›Market Development Strategy
- Logistics/Transportation›transportation›transportation of product
- Social Capital›Business / Community marketing›Public Relations Needs›Fundraising Strategy
In 2011, Shagbark Seed & Mill started piloting a price class as part of a small enterprise... |
Locavore's Prepared Foods |
Business Case |
- Financial Capital›Financial Support›Strategies to secure financial capital
- Human Capital›Labor›Entrepreneurs
- Human Capital›Research and Development›Food processing process development and FDA registration
- Specialty Crops›Specialty Crop Products›Vegetables
- locally grown food›Baked Goods›healthy baked goods
- locally grown food›Beans
- locally grown food›Bulk Produce›Fruit and Vegetable Produce
- locally grown food›Bulk Produce›Fruit and Vegetable Produce Farmers
- locally grown food›Fish
- locally grown food›Local, sustainable produce/meats
Thank you for the opportunity to share my idea with you!As an entrepreneur and budding businessman... |
NECIC Urban Farm |
Business Case |
OSU Campus Microfarm |
Business Case |
OzoneFarm |
Business Case |
- Human Capital›Education and Training›Knowledge commons›Decision support›data models›open data
- Social Capital›Information abouts local food resources (community maps highlighting farmers markets, CSAs, community gardens)›information
OzoneFarm eCommunity is a loose-knit informal collection of coders, web developers, inventors, and... |
Produce on Wheels for Eating Right Project |
Business Case |
- Human Capital›Education and Training›Individual leadership›Coaching›skills
- Market Outlet›Ready-to-eat meals›High nutrition foods (plant and animal based)
- Natural Capital›Plants›seeds
- Social Capital›Information abouts local food resources (community maps highlighting farmers markets, CSAs, community gardens)›information
- Specialty Crops›Specialty Crop Products›Fruits and Nut Tree Products›Fruit
- Specialty Crops›Specialty Crop Products›Vegetables
The POWER project is a mobile farmers market with a strong nutrition and horticulture education... |
Shagbark Seed & Mill Expansion: Appalachian Heirloom Popcorn |
Business Case |
- Commodity Crops›Commodity Crop Production›farmers to grow popcorn
- Commodity Crops›Commodity Crop Products›Oilseeds›Sunflower›Sunflower Oil
- Human Capital›Consulting›Food Processing Systems›Equipment and Facility Design
- Logistics/Transportation›transportation›available markets and distribution of product
- Specialty Crops›Specialty Crop Products›Cooking oil
- Specialty Crops›Specialty Crop Products›Popcorn
Shagbark Seed & Mill, a certified organic seed cleaning and flour milling facility that markets... |
Showman Farms: Conneauttee Creamery |
Business Case |
- Human Capital›Labor›Manager
- Information Tech and Communications›Websites›Internet service
- Information Tech and Communications›Websites›Social Media Platform
- Legal and Regulatory›Compliance›License›raw dairy permit
- Livestock›Dairy Processing›Aging
- Livestock›Dairy Processing›Cheese copacking›Cheese Processing Equipment
- Livestock›Dairy Processing›Cheese copacking›Cheesemakers
- Livestock›Dairy Processing›Cheese copacking›Ingredients/Cultures
- Livestock›Dairy Processing›Cheese copacking›Packaging
- Livestock›Dairy Processing›Cheese copacking›Whey- Waste byproduct›whey
- Logistics/Transportation›transportation›available markets and distribution of product
- Logistics/Transportation›transportation›dairy product distribution
- Logistics/Transportation›transportation›transportation of product
- Market Outlet›CSA Consumer Supported Agriculture
- Market Outlet›Farmstand
- Market Outlet›Institutional Buyers›Cooperatives
- Market Outlet›Institutional Buyers›buyers of processed foods
- Market Outlet›Institutional Buyers›purveyors
- Physical Capital›Food Processing Equipment›cheese making equipment
Grass-fed milk is absolutely the best! And all our special Artisan Cheeses are made from the... |
Specialty Crop Training Program at Camp Joseph Badger Meadows |
Business Case |
- Financial Capital
- Human Capital
- Information Tech and Communications
In partnership with Lorain Community College, Goodness Grows will begin a certificate level... |
WayneOH Urban Calf |
Business Case |
- Human Capital›Labor
- Human Capital›Research and Development›Agricultural R&D›Agricultural Technology
- Natural Capital›Land›Industrial Land›industrial site
- Physical Capital›Industrial Facilities›Building Space›facility
This is an early stage concept of developing an urban dairy heifer or jersey / beef cross nursery... |
Willow Springs Farm |
Business Case |